Tell Us What Songs We’re Missing

The Best Songs

Is there a great song you love that we need to add to this website? Let us know about it.

We can’t promise that all submissions will be added, but we promise that all suggestions are very much appreciated.

Please fill out the form below to tell us what song we should add and why you love it, or for any other inquiries you can send us an email to

Thanks for your help in making The Best Songs You Haven’t Heard (A Million Times) even more awesome.

We will give you full credit for any songs submitted that we use and we’ll be happy to provide a link back to your social media profile, your website or your stuff to show a little love for taking the time to send a great song our way.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    What Song (Title & Artist) Should We Add? (required)

    Why Do You Love It? (required)

    Link Back To Give You Credit (optional)